
About Me

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A storyteller with a camera, a pencil, a spoon a crockpot and the Bible... Works as freelancer as well as associated director and producer for several international production companies. Because filming is like cooking with friends! I Create Cause I do Believe! Jesus is my strength, my shelter.

Enlace TBN channel corporate imaging consultant

Posted: Friday, April 16, 2010 by Juan Carlos Cajiao Velasco Freelance Director and Director Of Photography in

As independent imaging creator Juan Cajiao is working for Enlace channel of Bogota ( a branch of Enlace TBN ), to redesign all the graphics and layout of this Colombian Christian Channel. The goal is to create the new "wardrove" of the shows made up by the channel.

The postmanaging and graphic design coordination is on postmanager Ronny Ariza as associated of Collect(+)ivo!

Some of the pieces will be soon on air at Enlace Internacional!