
About Me

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A storyteller with a camera, a pencil, a spoon a crockpot and the Bible... Works as freelancer as well as associated director and producer for several international production companies. Because filming is like cooking with friends! I Create Cause I do Believe! Jesus is my strength, my shelter.

It is a wrap on EL REY DE LA MONTANA feature film shoot days!

Posted: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 by Juan Carlos Cajiao Velasco Freelance Director and Director Of Photography in Labels: , ,

CMO productions assigned the direction of photography of this personal and challenging project to Juan Carlos Cajiao. 

A very natural and realistic photography design is the main concept that the director Camilo Vega and the producers want for the final cut. 

The photo approach is a mood where never notice where the lighting comes from...with a very romantic and intimate approach from the director of photography using ultimate technology and a lot of mirrors and reflective surfaces.

Spectacular locations and great casting...a well mixed combination.

Now is on Post phase, but any minute will be release on cinemas near you!

Shot on Arri Mini and using Cooke Anamorphic lenses as basic eyes.

Thanks to my lighting and camera teams. Great job and commitment.