
About Me

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A storyteller with a camera, a pencil, a spoon a crockpot and the Bible... Works as freelancer as well as associated director and producer for several international production companies. Because filming is like cooking with friends! I Create Cause I do Believe! Jesus is my strength, my shelter.

El Espectador English Lessons Spot

Posted: Saturday, January 29, 2011 by Juan Carlos Cajiao Velasco Freelance Director and Director Of Photography in

This spot featured the young and well-known colombian comedian Hassam as guest teaching his "good and fine" pronunciation.
Our client wanted a real looking book and pages and the decision was to shot all the product images including some newspaper shots on slow motion: the reason, avoid the virtual and electronic look of prior spots.

Though some 3D and compo was added to explain some benefits brought by the new english course.

Directed by Juan Carlos Cajiao for W Produccion y Medios.