
About Me

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A storyteller with a camera, a pencil, a spoon a crockpot and the Bible... Works as freelancer as well as associated director and producer for several international production companies. Because filming is like cooking with friends! I Create Cause I do Believe! Jesus is my strength, my shelter.

Marco 123, emergency line spots for Bogota Mayor Office and the Surveillance and Security Fund

Posted: Sunday, November 21, 2010 by Juan Carlos Cajiao Velasco Freelance Director and Director Of Photography in Labels: , , , , , ,

The spots written and directed by Juan Carlos Cajiao Velasco, and the talented artists of post team turned to life the character of Marco created by Surveillance and Security Fund for Bogota Mayor Office, all headed by Claudia Rincon, communications delegate.

The Goal: tell all the kids that they are not alone. They have a friend on Marco and when they use the 123 Emergency phone line on a responsible way they can Save the day and the life of others and themselves!

Marco on this 3 spot campaign talks directly with a friendly chat to each boy and girl to grasp their attention and become a real close up pal.
Everytime a kid ask for help, Marco has the power and speed to attend the emergency situations ASAP!The great final composition made this spots a really proud to show and share pieces that help the youth audience and citizen of a big city as Bogota. Ronny Ariza, Juan Estupiñan where in charge of the postproduction phase and they do really grabbed the director´s vision with a shaky camera, pull out and ins of focus, several camera adjustments that reinforced the real and vivid look that Cajiao wanted to be as real to the kids as possible.

Produced by Sumo Films with Sergio Devia as executive producer.